Valuing yourself and your time! S01 - E06
Valuing yourself and your time! Cleaning Business Life Episode#6
Steps you can take to value yourself with your Cleaning Business
1. You need to self validate yourself. Please do not wait for others to do it for you.
2. You need to love yourself before you can love someone else.
3. Feeling Respected and Having Boundaries is important.
4. Being Objective is helpful
5. With customer complaints
Thank them ( customer) for bringing it to your attention
6. Boosting your self esteem
It is your job to boost your self esteem!
mantras that inspire you
Vacation 2x a year
Take a drive, scenic route is best!
Taking time for yourself.
7. If you get positive feed back, have your google link ready to send over for a 5star review. ASK for the Review!
8. Boost others including yourself.
9. Thoughts become things.
10. Circle of Influence, pick carefully.
To listen to the full podcast click here Valuing yourself and your time! Cleaning Business Life Episode#6
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