The 70% Clutter Rule

The 70% Clutter Rule

Often Times "WE" as cleaning service providers and/or cleaning tech's see a lot of things that even house guest's don't see.

The Pink House
The Purple House
The Blue House
The Orange House...

Please send all your chicken collectibles directly to Kimberly Gonzales!! (LOL)

Profit First
Story Brand
The Metropolitian Museum of Art is one of my favorite places to see ton's of fine art.

So the premise behind the 70 percent clutter rule is that it's up to you to decide if you are going to clean an area or room of a home. If you come to a room and it's more that 70 percent clutter rule. So please remember to say to the Client hey I didn't clean... we skipped.

The Cleaning Business Contract Bundle

Hoarding Situations
1. Trash First
2. Laundry
3. Dishes

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