IMPOSTER SYNDROME - What to do about it, it affects everyone including myself and Kim!
IMPOSTER SYNDROME - What to do about it, it affects everyone including myself and Kim!
Join us as we discuss fear, self confidence and Imposter Syndrome.
Things can go great with your cleaning business and then all of a sudden, BAM!
It hits you right across the face!
Suddenly things are not good and you are trying to figure out why you have even been allowed to the party?
But the reality is that everyone, I MEAN EVERYONE, experiences imposter syndrome at some point in their lives.
You just don't hear about it. You only see what people show you on any social media platform.
To get rid of Imposter Syndrome (FEAR)
It does take some mind shifts to straighten that out.
And maybe a little sound boarding with a close friend to help walk you across that tight rope that you have found yourself walking...
It also takes focus for you to realize that you deserve to be right where you are, you have worked hard for it!
So remember your circle of influence greatly impacts your sanity and your success.
And what you think of me is none of my business!! ( yes, a quote just from Shannon)
We wish you all the best and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out!! Kimberly Gonzales e/ Shannon Miller e/