1099's VS W-2's - Hiring for Success

1099's VS W-2's...Hiring for Success


Some Don't to remember for 1099's

1. You can’t make them wear a uniform
2. If you have extra work, they don’t have to pick up a shift for you.
3. You can't tell them what chemicals to use
4. Always think about safety first. Bleach is bad! 
5. Natural Products VS Regular Cleaning Products
6. This is a biggie- YOU CAN'T MAKE THEM SIGN A NON-COMPETE, it's illegal
7. Can't Make them Sign or Read your Employee Handbook if you have one
( If you need one, download a template from my group inside the guides here: 


Just copy and paste :)

8. Only work with 1099's who carry General Liability Insurance

9. If you want to purchase my 1099 vendor agreement click here: 

10. Know what the difference is between breakage and damage with your insurance.
11. You can't train your 1099's
12. You typically work 1099's as teams.
13. Make sure you are charging enough.
14. Having a floater keeps you mop FREE! Regardless if you have w-2's or 1099's.
15. Company Culture and pay is super important to your success
16. Do you want Company Cars?
17. Company Cars are expensive to up
18. Commercial Insurance is 3x the normal rate.
19. Magnet Signs
20. Logo’s on the back of your vehicles
21. Brick and Mortar locations can be beneficial if they are cheap and have signage.
22. Some times it's cheaper to not have an office and rent a storage unit.

Make sure you listen to The Price is Right!

https://www.buzzsprout.com/2155653/12640024-the-price-is-right-episode-4.mp3?download=true Episode #4

Free Tidy Cal Link for 15 minute 


purevergreen.com Kimberly Gonzales e/info@purevergreen.com
kleanfreaksunversity.com Shannon Miller e/cleaningbusinesslife@gmail.com

Join my FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1583362158497744
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIjMz_-9YyiFvNVIgb61iYg

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