Treasured Traditions

Treasured Traditions

By: Kimberly Gonzales (owner)

Family traditions and passing on values to my children are so important to me. Traditions can teach children the importance of love, generosity, and gratitude. Another one is strengthening and bonding families. Traditions provide opportunities to connect meaningfully with family members. I also love creating memories. Special moments during the holidays often become the stories we tell year after year.

Some of the classic traditions that families do are decorating the Christmas tree together. I did this with my parents when I was a little girl and even as a teen. Now that I have kids of my own, we have carried this tradition on. This year, my youngest will be graduating from high school. I hope that my children still make this a special time with us till they have a family of their own.

We are huge movie peeps. So, another favorite tradition in our home is that every year, starting in December, we go down the list of Christmas classic movies. What are some of your favorite Christmas movies? We would love to hear them!

Some of my most treasured family traditions for Christmas is making a birthday cake for Jesus to celebrate HIS birthday. We would make a homemade cake and decorate it and add candles, singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. I did this growing up and now with my own kids we do this while face-timing the grandparents to join us since they live two thousand miles away.

Another treasured family tradition is that we make tamales together. We make an assembly line and put together those red and green tamales. We share this tradition with Mark’s parents and mine when they come to visit for Christmas. (Mark is my hubby). This year will be bittersweet though, as my beautiful mother-in-love went to be with the Lord a few months ago. But my wonderful father-in-love will be helping us this year. Next year, will be my parents.

Growing up, we made homemade banana bread and brought it to the nursing homes. We would bring it and sit with them to talk. They always enjoyed chatting and knowing that we cared. As the years have passed, rules and regulations have changed, and we are no longer able to do this. I sure do miss this tradition my parents shared with me.

What kind of treasured Christmas traditions do you and your family have? I would love to have you email me to share your traditions – hearing them fills my cup with joy! (

Love you all!
MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of our PÜR family members.

Thank you for blessing my life!