How PÜR Evergreen got its Name
How PÜR Evergreen got its Name
Have you ever wondered how some businesses got their name? Even the big-name brands. I feel like there is always a story behind how some businesses got their name. I have been asked several times about how PÜR Evergreen got its name.
Back in 2015 I, (Kimberly) started a cleaning company. The original name was Colorado Mile High Cleaning but as I soon found out there was a new company that came to Colorado and named their business like mine, I decided to make a big change and rebrand my business. When choosing a name, I knew it needed to be something that would grab people's attention. I wanted a name that flowed. In 2016, Evergreen Eco Clean was chosen. I loved that the name was not only key search words but also something that I stood behind in my company. Eco Friendly, Evergreen because I always loved the plant and its foliage that remains green. Evergreen reminds me of a fresh, uplifting smell that brings joy.
After owning my cleaning business and having a staff, I saw a need to have less products and have products that were truly natural and not green washed. I started to work on a formula and combination of natural ingredients. I wanted to create a product that would replace all of the cleaners we use and that would clean better than them. Something that would be safe on everything. After two years of working on a formula and testing it out, it was mastered. Streak free mirrors, a shine that made stainless steel and faucets look new again. Granite never looked better, and it was no match for grease! I knew I needed a name that would catch on.
I love play-on-words so instead of pure I wanted it to be different. The evergreen part of the name came from part of my cleaning company since that is where it started. I love it and PÜR Evergreen® was born!